Devils Cauldron Hike Oregon (2023 Guide)

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The Oregon Coast is dotted with amazing viewpoints and incredible hiking trails and one of our favorites is Devil’s Cauldron, a short trail which leads to viewpoint over a small cove where the powerful Pacific Ocean waves crash into the cliff walls. We’ve put together this guide for anyone planning to visit Devils Cauldron, including where to park, the hiking route and what to expect when you visit Devils Cauldron.

Devils Cauldron Hike OregonPin
The Viewpoints of Devils Cauldron

What is Devils Cauldron?

Devils Cauldron is a small cove located on the Oregon Coast to the south of Oswald West State Park. The best view of Devil’s Cauldron is from the cliff viewpoint overlooking it which is a short hike from the Oregon Coast Highway on a marked trail.

The sights and sounds standing above Devils Cauldron have to be seen and heard to be believed and we recommend anyone including this short hike on their Oregon Itinerary. The rugged coastline and crashing waves are everything you’d expect from the magnificent Oregon Coast.

How to get to Devil’s Cauldron?

The Devils Cauldron trail head is located right off the Oregon Coast Highway just south of the turn-off for Short Sands Beach. It shares the start of its trail with the Elk Flats/Oregon Coast trail and you will see the signpost at the pull-in to the parking lot as the Oregon Coast Trail, not Devil’s Cauldron.

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The trailhead and parking for Devils Cauldron is just off the Oregon Coast Highway

Map of Devils Cauldron Hike

We’ve included a map of the route for the short hike from the trailhead on the Oregon Coast Highway to Devils Cauldron.

Devils Cauldron Hike Tip: You might notice that topography maps label the cove visible from the viewpoint at the end of the trail as Treasure Cove. However, this is the cove known as Devil’s Cauldron and is the cove that visitors see from the end of the Devil’s Cauldron trail.

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The Devils Cauldron Hike Route – Click here for the map

The Devil’s Cauldron Hike

The hike to Devils Cauldron is a 0.5 mile out and back trail on a moderately trafficked hiking trail. The route is relatively easy with the trail head located just off the Oregon Coast Highway with an adjacent parking lot. The first part of the hike follows the Elk Flast Trail which then veers off for the short hike up to the Devils Cauldron Overlook viewpoint.

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The signs at the pull-in for the Devils Cauldron HIke

Devils Cauldron Hike tip: Despite being a moderately trafficked route, the trail to Devil’s Cauldron can get pretty overgrown and following the trail can get a little tricky in places.

After leaving the trail head the route joins the Elk Flats Trail for around 100 yards before turning left on the route to Devils Cauldron. This section of the trail can be muddy and overgrown so take care.

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The turn for the Devils Cauldron Overlook off the Elk Flast Trail

After passing through the dense grasses, hikers will now enter a wooded area that leads to the short climb to the Devils’ Cauldron Viewpoint.

The approach to the viewpoint of Devils Cauldron Overlook is a short climb up to the base of some trees.

Devils Cauldron Overlook

As you reach the cliffs, this is where the best views of the Devils Cauldron are below. For safety, there is protective fencing which runs along the cliff edge.

The views from here are stunning and the sound of the ocean hitting the cliffs 800 feet below are incredible. There is a warning sign in front of the fencing warning visitors not to cross it due to the dangerous cliffs.

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the view across the fence from Devils Cauldron Overlook

Devils Cauldron Hike tip: Hikers should remain behind the protective barriers. There have been a number of fatal accidents at Devils Cauldron where visitors have fallen off the cliffs into the ocean below and lost their lives.

We were lucky to visit Devils Cauldon on a clear day so the views were spectacular. On foggy days the view of the sea below may be limited as it’s a few hundred feet to the water below. There is a bench seat at the overlook to relax and take in the incredible views.

The route back to the trail head is the same as the route out so it’s a short hike back to your car to explore the rest of the Oregon Coast.

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