2015: our year in numbers and travels!

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2015 brought an incredible 365 days of fun and adventure and it’s hard to believe the year is wrapping up already! For us, it passed in a blur of travel and, if we were to sum up 2015, this is how we’d do it: new countries, old countries, airports, planes, trains, buses, amazing sights, UNESCOs, sunrises, sunsets, laughter, tears and unforgettable experiences.

We love discovering what all our favourite travellers have been up to over the last 12 months and so we wanted to share our adventures from the year that was. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you 2015 in The Whole World is a Playground house!

The travel stats!

We’re self confessed numbers geeks (seriously, would you expect anything less from an actuary and a data lover!) and we’re obsessed with tracking our travels. In between our Dublin lives and our awesome day jobs 2015 went something like this:
Travel blog year round up ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

The Whole World is a Playground Stats!

As for The Whole World is a Playground, it was our biggest year yet. Our minds are blown by the fact that almost one quarter of a million people read about our travels in 2015. We’re aiming to make that one million in 2016: it’s an ambitious target but we are firm believers in shooting for the moon!

Travel blog year round up ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPinWe also have to give a big shout out to our Instagram account which has exploded in 2015. With an awesome resident photographer (that would be Dave!) we are obsessed with taking and sharing our favourite travel pics. This year saw us grow to an incredible 13,690 followers, YAY!!

Travel blog year round up ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

Thanks for following our journey!

Thanks to each and every one of you, our followers, who read on our articles, sent kind comments and emails, and had some fun with us on social media. The world of travel blogging is crazy and fun but it’d be nothing without you guys joining us on the journey!Travel blog year round up ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

The 2015 travels!

It’s all about the travels for us and we touched down in a spectacular 18 countries this year. Yep, we’re not sure where we find the time either but if you need some tips on how to travel more while working full time check out how we manage it here!


We started off the year with an amazing week of cocktails, shopping and sightseeing in New York followed by a quick stopover in Amsterdam.Travel blog year round up ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin


London is a big hit with us and we were fortunate to make lots of short trips to the city during the year!Travel blog year round up ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin


Spring saw us touchdown in the Dubai desert followed by an immense girls trip to Vietnam. April also saw us awarded runner up in the Best Travel Blog category at the UK blog awards, BOOM!!Travel blog year round up ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin


We’ve no idea how it took me so long but in May we made our first visit to mainland Spain with a Gaudi, tapas and sun filled weekend in Barcelona!


It was the one we’d been waiting for: a 4,500km epic Norway road trip where I may have suggested that we drive from Oslo to the Arctic Circle! Sorry Dave!Travel blog year round up ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin


We got extremely well aquainted with Dublin airport during July and we were almost travelled out with weekends in Budapest, Berlin and Paris.Travel blog year round up ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin


After a hectic 6 months of travelling we decided to take some time out at home. Irish summers rock and we spent weekends in Cork, Kerry and Northern Ireland as well as attending some lovely friends’ weddings. OK we made it to London and Luxembourg as well but who’s counting!


We found our travel legs again in October and loved our city breaks to Rome and Krakow (with a surprise jaunt to Slovakia while we so close!)

Weekend in Krakow (46)Pin


November was the month we’d been waiting patiently for all year! Myanmar was on our dream destination list for as long as we can remember and it lived up to our epic expectations. We spent a few nights on our return in Bangkok and Istanbul for some city fun because well, WHY NOT?! Travel blog year round up ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin


We like to wrap up our December’s with some Paris fun and our 2015 grand finale is a roadtrip around the French capital. Oo la la! This is also my lovely mum’s surprise Christmas present so fingers crossed she loves it as much as we hope!

2016 here we come!

So there you have it 2015: 18 countries, over 2 months on the road and one quarter of a million visitors to The Whole World is a Playground (FAINT!!). Here’s hoping 2016 is as good to us!
Travel blog year round up ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

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