It’s our birthday! The Whole World is a Playground is one year old!

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One year old, can you believe it?! We most definitely can’t. It’s been an incredible 12 months filled with travel and adventures, inspirational people, a million laughs and a suitcase full of stories and memories that we will treasure forever. One thing is certain, we couldn’t have done it without all of you, the awesome gang of followers who have supported us along the way. So in celebration of our first year (and hopefully to many, many more) here’s our best moments from the last 12 months! Enjoy!

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The Travels

It’s been hectic to say the least! Since returning from our year long honeymoon and in between rocking the corporate world we’ve managed to squeeze in trips to Athens, Istanbul, Bangkok, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, London, Bristol, Edinburgh, Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Chicago. With a New York marathon and lots of Ireland trips in between. Not bad for a year’s work!

Me! Doing my thing!

 one year old travel blog ©the whole world is a playgroundPinDavid: the photographer hard at work in Israel!

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We’ve seen some of the most incredible sights in the world (Petra, the Acropolis, Temple Mount and the Blue Mosque to name a few), eaten some amazing meals (gyros, falafels, Chicago pizza, upside down rice and have accumulated 5 Michelin stars of dining from our meals in Jean Georges in New York CityPatrick Guilbaud’s and the Lady Helen in Ireland). We’ve visited 20 UNESCO World Heritage Sites (we’re obsessed!), drank cocktails at a 7 star hotel in Dubai, found real life Banksy works in Bristol and Bethlehem (again, obsessed!) and spoiled ourselves with a 12 hour flight in a private suite sipping champagne and choosing our dessert from the dessert trolley. We couldn’t have asked for a better year!

Wow indeed! The Blue Mosque, Istanbul

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Real life Banksy in Bethlehem!

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He’s my hero! A 4 hour marathon from the husband!

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 Dessert Trolley. On a plane. Really!

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The Whole World is a Playground

It’s been 12 months of blood, sweat and tears (OK the only blood was from a mosquito bite in Athens and I provided the tears along the way!) but there have been so many highlights. The biggest being that so many of you have visited The Whole World is a Playground and read, commented on and shared our posts. THANK YOU!

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I’m not sure if we’ve mentioned it before (yea, seriously!) but The Whole World is a Playground was shortlisted for Best Travel Blog at the 2014 Cosmo Blog Awards. Out of a mind blowing 46,000 blogs that were nominated we made the shortlist of just over 100 bloggers. It was an unbelievable honour to be part of such an incredible event and the Awards night, full of glamour, pink cocktails and fabulous talent, was one of our favourite moments of the year. We were also featured as Wanderlust Travel Magazine blog of the week and were nominated for the Irish Blog Awards.

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It’s all down to you!

None of this would have been possible without our wonderful readers, our family (especially my mum who, after 12 months, has finally taught me the difference between desert and dessert. Without her we’d be riding camels in the dessert and eating delicious deserts), our friends (who listen to our endless travel and blog tales and even let us use their pics in articles on occasion) and, in my case, a very patient, photography obsessed husband who tells me when I’m not being funny. Yes it’s rare but it does happen!

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The next 12 months

Who knows what the next year will bring but we can only hope that we will experience as much fun, travelling and laughter as the last 12 months. We have trips lined up to the hectic Marrakesh and, oh la la, the very romantic Paris before Christmas, both of which we’re incredibly excited to explore, and have planned a travel happy 2015. We hope that we’ve inspired you to take some fun trips and that you will continue to follow our journey to see the world in style, one trip at a time!

 Always remember, the whole world is a playground so get out there and have fun!

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